Sikh Sewaks Singapore
Sewa Simran Satsang

We would like assure parents that the BB team and CST management will be implementing every safety protocol necessary to ensure a safe environment for everyone involved. If you have any enquiries on this or any other matter, please contact 90177885.

About Bahadur Bachey (aka BB)

An increasing number of Sikh Children in Singapore were facing issues relating to self-confidence and identity. To address this problem, Sikh Sewaks Singapore pioneered the concept of Bahadur Bachey (Brave Children) in 2006 for children aged 6-12. The camp has grown from strength-to-strength annually, resulting in a programme for toddlers, Lil' BB, and a teenagers programme, BB Teens, which has now evolved to become Lionheart, a separate camp for teens.

Bahadur Bachey helps children find their pillar of strength within Sikhi and improve their understanding and knowledge of the Sikh identity. This confidence-boosting camp allows participants to dislodge their fears and anxiety through character building sessions. The camp curriculum is carefully crafted to be relevant to both spiritual and intellectual development, along with lots of fun!

Ever since its inception, the camp sees an annual participation rate of 100-200 children and 50-70 youth sewadars. The Singapore Sangat also gets involved in one way or another, whether in the form of langgar, logistics or administration.

Check our facebook site for pictures taken during our camps! 

All information and articles posted in this site are copyright to Sikh Sewaks Singapore.
Sikh Sewaks Singapore is a non-profit organisation registered under the Societies Act, and the Chartities. UEN S79SS0030H. 
2 Towner Road, Central Sikh Temple, Singapore 327804.

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